Friday, February 29, 2008

Turns Out....

I am officially a photographer. Things are going well with the new enterprise I have given myself, and hopefully I will sell some of my stuff soon. I have charged for my services at this point, so I guess that makes me a true freelance photographer, something that I find really fucking cool.
The next stop is getting more work as such, so that taking cool pictures becomes an actual supporting income. Lets see how that turns out.

1 comment:

Jessica Sosa Echagaray said...

ya se por que no venia casi por aca...
aste' tiene retihartos blos y miconfundo
pero bueno, ya que ando por aqui, un abrazo y mil gracias por leerme de cuando en cuando
chau pescau
p.d. que chingon ha de ser trabajar como fotografo