Saturday, December 29, 2007

I wish to become a better person

It's as simple as that. I have made some bad decisions in my life, I have hurt some people, and I truly don't want to ever go through that again.
And even though it is impossible to be perfect, I do need to be better. Let me see how well I do at it. It is reduced to that, in its most simple presentation.


Miss B. said...

Yo lo único que puedo decir aquí es:

Hello. How are you?
I am well. Thank you. And you?
Very well. My name is Mike. What is your name?
My name is Balanche porfavor. It is nice to meet you.
Nice to meer you too. Goodbye.

(notese que me aprendí re bien mi primera lección)


Borrego said...

Excelente mujer. A mi regreso al país te he de poner a prueba, asi que a estudiar. Y compra jugo de piña.

Borrego said...

Found it CheLupe?

Miss B. said...

jajajajajaja... a las pruebas me remito ;)

Miss B. said...

ya te tengo unos cuantos litros de jugo de piña en el refri... jijiji!

Ela é said...

estaba triste!!! me gustaría que vieras mi otro blog

Xavysaurio said...

es mas fácil si se saca uno el melate U_U

Andrea said...

We all have a choice as to how we live our life. We can go the good way or the bad way. Life is too fast to waste doing bad. I want to be loved and to be loved I have to show love. So I try to be nice. I look to God and He guides me in the right direction. I am human and I fall short at times. None of us are perfect.