Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Skip is in Amsterdam

I don't have pictures yet, but believe me, I'll post them as soon as I get them. In the mean time, here are some more pictures of Skip.


Trisha Kross said...


very nice!

Miss B. said...

yo quiero recuerditos de Amsterdam...

David said...

I'm becoming addicted to this Green Power...

looser_0274 said...

Pinche rana arboricola suertuda esta, mis unicos viajes son a Calama y ni me gusta la ciudad.
Pero ya llegara mi hora.
Buenas las fotos de las rucias que conocio skip.

Trisha Kross said...

OoOoH! aqui hay algunas fotos de Amsterdam. =D

Sonya said...

Nice pictures. The kitty pic is my favorite.