Friday, September 07, 2007


I have very persistent back pain, and I can't get rid of it. Besides seeing a doctor ( which I have already done ). What do you suggest I try?


o Reverso said...

just forget, my family doctor said to me...

Scandalicious Lily said...

Hey thanks for coming to my blog :o)

so you can use the bunny, no prob, I found it on getty image i think :o)

for a back pain maybe..... a massage or a long long bath in warm water???

see ya!

Sandra Becerril said...

Get drunk? jajajaja

besos y excelente inicio de semana!

Trisha Kross said...

lonol? =D

Miss B. said...

no funcionó dormir en el suelo? creo que le hacen falta unos masajes...

angrygrrface said...

Have you gotten a hot stone massage? They are fantastic.

Controversy said...

Tai Chi actually helped me considerably with my lower back pain, it's very gentle, and helps with the whole range of motion thing...and using a pillow in between your knees when you sleep if you sleep on your side will help keep your hips aligned, which will also help to ease off lower back pain :)

Feel better Borego :)

Trisha Kross said...

jaus yur bakpein?


luna pie said...

wellllll, i have no useful suggestions for back pain (except maybe some hardcore narcotics :P)...
in all seriousness though, thanks for stopping by my blog - and for the photo comments, feeling a bit uninspired latley, but i shouldn't be.
hope you are on the mend!

take good care... Sare

Ti. said...

I think this is not the first itme someone's telling you this but a nice, long masage could do the trick!

Sincerity said...

Try paying attention to the way you sit during the day. Avoid sitting on soft, squishy sofas and sit on firm chairs.
If you want to take a warm bath put Ebsolm Salt in it. That salt does miracles. It relaxes muscles and promotes healing of injured tissues.
Also, try doing some gentle stretches before you go to bed. And if your mattress is too soft, either flip it or get a new one. You should never have any dips in your mattress.
I hope you feel better!

Miss Neumann said...

sleep in the floor, and NO pillow

Amanda Merritt said...

hello, thanks for the comment

Anonymous said...

Thanks for passing by. I loved Skip. kisses

Arya said...

Heal your soul...
and seat straight :)

Unknown said...

te devuelvo la visita.

para la espalda, masajes, agua caliente, y las cosas q te han dicho. depende xq te duele, si es muscular, agua caliente, lo del colchón puedes revisarlo, la postura tamb es basica. facil yoga te sirve tamb.

soy de lima. x?

looser_0274 said...

Cheque la edad mijo puede que sea eso no mas...puede ser ancia,,ancianidad.