Monday, May 28, 2007

Let there be Frog

Meet Skip, my traveling frog,he will know the world, and so will you throug his travels.



borrego, hello
you seem like a person worth knowing in this life.

I hope today has been interesting for you.

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Cool! I have a traveling bunny

D. Maria e o Coelhinho said...
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D. Maria e o Coelhinho said...

A frog.
I've got lots around my burrow.


luna pie said...

That's much better than any of those creepy gnomes ;)
Thanks for the photo comments on my blog - to answer your question -it's partly my camera; settings, shutter speed etc.., and partly the editing process. Nothing complicated though. I pretty much just play areound with contrast and saturation. I don't have the patience for intense editing sessions - plus, I find the more I play with something the more room there is for fucking it up! :)
I had a look through your travel photos as well - they're awesome! You must have had a blast.

Take care,
speak soon...

o Reverso said...

I'll follow Skip, wondering the best for us.

Sandra Becerril said...

jejeje I think that he has traveled more than me!!!

Lovely and cool


D. Maria e o Coelhinho said...

Estou sózinha neste sábado ...
As D,. Marias gostam mt de ter mts coelhinhos à volta...
Não me queres vir fazer companhia ?


*Molks* said...

cool.. nice companion!

take care
Molks xxx

Miss B. said...

heY! HOLA Skip!

Yo ya conocí a Skip y es una ranita E-N-C-A-N-T-A-D-O-R-A! sí, tan encantadora que se ganó mi corazón y tendrá próximamente un gran gran post solo para ella en mi blog... ¡Que TODOS la conozcan!